One of the easiest methods to take off yourself from your problems worries or in this case condition issues is to use it for service. To get covering of yourself and serve others in need, will do just that- get you covering of yourself. If you're not in yourself you can not perceive the pain, suffering or fear linked with it. It's like a microscopic miracle. Kind of like God gives a gift to one of his angels. When I stop mental so much about myself, and think more about the care of others, I automatically feel better. All things becomes cool. The fire of anger melts away, the heat of pain retreats, sorrow and fear run away.
While lying in my hospital bed, I could hear the other patients crying at night. It was the same thing I heard others there crying about during the day. They sang the sad song of "Why me- how- What." This is a particularly sad song, not only because it brings sorrow but also because no answers were ever found.
The demand should not be so much about how or why but rather emphasis needs to be located on how will I pass this test? How can I tell my deep, intrinsic connection with the Supreme?

After a short time nurses, doctors other patients all started noticing that I was not among the ones who were crying in the night. One by one some of the other patients started request me questions about this. They wanted to know how and why such a young woman who's life had just been ruined could remain so cheerful while they who were largely in the winter of life anyway were so upset by what had happened to their bodies. I began by assuring them that my life had easily not been ruined at all, that in fact all I easily needed was a strong mind to live a worthwhile and serviceable life. After a bit of casual chat it was decided that we would all meet together in a argument room to give the Raja Yoga foundation course. It was all authorized and encouraged by the hospital.
It was a rather piquant scene. There we were, all of us in our wheel chairs trying to get ourselves in to the room and situated around the big argument table. That was a task in itself! I had some supplies like a white board and markers brought to the hospital. Remember my speech was very slurred and my right side thoroughly paralyzed. I wrote on the board with my left hand (not pretty!), and spoke a language that only other stroke patients could understand! And I gave knowledge. It was wonderful. All took benefit; especially me. We do assistance as altruistically as possible; but the law of cause and follow is all the time in play so we will all the time reap the reward. There is a motto "it's great to give than to receive", the motto is known because it is true. The one who gives or teaches will all the time receive the greater benefit. I never for one second conception about myself in there. My concern was only to link with the one who could ease their suffering straight through knowledge and to be a clear instrument.
Whatever is dwelled upon will be my experience. If you dwell upon illness, or financial difficulties, or sad relationships or whatever causes you sorrow, your life will be one of sorrow. When I fill my mind with worries, there is no longer the possibility for God to fill me. If on the other hand you get covering yourself and serve others you will perceive a life of lightness, cheerfulness and value.
Typically what we do when pain or suffering or illness comes upon us is try to take off the pain. We try to take off the suffering or sorrow or illness. What I did instead was to take off myself from the illness. assistance enables you to take off yourself from whatever pain or sorrow you may be experiencing. The body is doing what it has to and I am doing what I have to. Let the body do what it has to, let the doctors do their job and let your mind remain carport with God. Don't attach all your thoughts and emotions to the illness. Attach all you're your thoughts and emotions instead to serving others and you will be quite free of any and all suffering.
Obstacles will continue to come till the end. It's their job to come, nothing I can do about things happening out there. But it's my job to be a conqueror of obstacles. To remain carport in the face of everything, not only so that I myself don't fall to pieces but equally to remain ready to serve others.
Serving Others - leisure From Suffering